Mercedes-Benz reports a marked increase in global raids

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Last year, the carmaker Mercedes‑Benz worked with authorities to remove more than 1.6 million counterfeit products from circulation. The number of raids carried out worldwide has increased by an impressive 20 percent.

On average, law enforcement authorities and trade supervisory officials carried out more than two raids every day last year against counterfeit products violating the rights of carmaker Mercedes‑Benz. More than 1.6 million Mercedes‑Benz counterfeits were seized worldwide in the process, as the Stuttgart‑based company recently reported. While the number of confiscated items remained similar to the previous year’s results (in 2022, the company also spoke of more than 1.6 million counterfeits), the number of raids increased to over 740 in 2023 (2022: around 620). This represents a significant increase of almost 20 percent.

Among others, the group’s brand protection team focused on actions against illegal online trade: According to Mercedes‑Benz, counterfeiting networks are increasingly using online platforms and social media and counterfeiters take advantage of anonymity on the Internet. The group’s brand protection team has continuously expanded its online activities. According to the group, over 142,000 offers of counterfeit Mercedes‑Benz products and other content infringing trademark rights have been removed from the Web in 2023. For the preceding year, Mercedes‑Benz had reported 155,000 deleted offers.

//“The counterfeiting industry generates enormous margins and has the structures of organized crime. (…) By taking action against these highly criminal structures consistently and with all legal means, we protect not only the reputation of our brand, but also our customers, other road users and ultimately all victims of the counterfeiting industry.“

Renata Jungo Brüngger, Member of the Board of Management of Mercedes‑Benz Group AG for Integrity, Governance & Sustainability

While counterfeits often hardly differ visually from genuine parts, they could pose a danger to road users, as the group points out. Mercedes‑Benz says it primarily takes action against safety‑relevant counterfeits. Accordingly, counterfeit brake parts, wheels, and body and steering parts have been seized. In May and June 2023, paper air filters were confiscated, which could cause serious accidents.

The raids are often preceded by months of preparation and investigations by the brand protection experts at Mercedes‑Benz. For example, they check offers on the Web and follow up on other leads to identify counterfeiting factories and share information with authorities. In addition, the group provides regular training and information materials to support and educate law enforcement authorities.

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