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We can help you to ward off counterfeiting. And to defend yourself efficiently against brand infringements and IP misuse, including gray marketing. Based on over 20 years of experience and with specially developed measures from marketing, advertising, and PR. This is our way to increase the impact of traditional activities, such as legal action. And, for example, to ensure that traders and customers can tell what is original and what is fake.

Whether as a stand-alone initiative or as part of a brand protection program, take action now and reduce the demand for counterfeits and knock-off products! And protect your success from illegal competitors.



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Linie orange

press material // online marketing // advertising // mailings // information for the PoS  // marketing for trade partners // video clips // …

websites  // newsletters  // brochures, flyers  // success stories from raids // intranet pages  // customs checklists  // policies  // …

generating/collecting leads // surveys // studies, analyses // internal workshops // guidelines, info sheets // counterfeit-proof markers // …

training sessions, conferences // e-learnings // webinars // in-house sessions // events for trade partners // support for trade fairs // event material (rollups, displays, …) // …

handling of Applications for Action (national/EU)  // end-to-end application management // leveraging indicators // training for enforcement authorities // guides, info sheets for officials // …

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We let actions speak

See what brand protection can look like in real life. Our sample projects show selected, current jobs of our agency – always 100% hands-on, real, and effective. Discover for yourself how Anti-Piracy Communications can help you defend your company against counterfeiting!

No matter if in global, regional, or local projects – Karg und Petersen is active to generate security. For international enterprises as well as small and medium businesses. In the area of economic crime alone, we for example work for:

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The ANTI-PIRACY ANALYST regularly provides news and background information, facts and figures on counterfeiting and brand protection. And thus offers an excellent, free source of intelligence for brand protection experts, stakeholders, and other interested readers.

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Our customers recommend us – without exception. Based on an online survey among of ca. 40 clients in May 2020.

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