Current news and background information, facts and figures on counterfeiting and brand protection. Summed up in informative articles and provided in our renowned news service.

News from customs and authorities

German customs: Sharp drop in seizure figures

In 2023, German customs saw a steep decline in both the total value and the number of counterfeits seized. The annual report also shows that the countries of origin of counterfeits have hardly changed – but the transportation routes did.

New ways for

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Economy news

New communications campaign to reach Gen Z

Together with e‑commerce giant Amazon, several German business associations currently want to alert teens and young adults to counterfeiting. Using social media, they aim to discourage Generation Z from buying counterfeits.

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Know-how and tips

PATINFO2024: Trademarks, patents, and designs

Join the discussion at PATINFO2024 - and learn more about why IP rights such as trademarks, patents, and registered designs are essential in the fight against counterfeiting. An early bird discount is currently still available for those interested.

Recent studies

Study: Mechanical engineering heavily affected by counterfeiting

Every second company in the mechanical engineering sector in Germany is affected by counterfeiting, a new study by the industry association VDMA says. However, it also suggests that companies can protect themselves well with the right measures.

Toys, clothing, cosmetics – counterfeits cost industries billions of euros

An alarming study by the EUIPO suggests that counterfeiting costs the clothing, cosmetics, and toy industries alone around approx. 16 billion euros a year. German manufacturers of clothing and toys are particularly affected.

Many young people in Europe find it OK to buy counterfeits

A new study by the EUIPO suggests that many people in Europe think it is okay to buy counterfeits in certain circumstances. This is even the case for around half of the younger respondents. Above all, the price plays a key role here.

News from legislation and politics

Temu: New measures planned regarding Chinese online stores

Booming Chinese e‑commerce sites such as Temu or Shein are regularly under fire, also due to counterfeiting allegations. Politicians in the EU and also in Germany now want to tighten restrictions on such online giants – with customs measures and new requirements.

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News in brief

Fake football merchandize, customs successes, IT counterfeiters – news in brief

Customs fair sets focus on sporting events // Cologne: Customs confiscate counterfeits worth millions // USA: Head of IT counterfeiting ring sentenced // Austria: Customs intercept thousands of counterfeit goods // Spain: Police confiscate tonnes of fake football jerseys

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