//News from customs and authorities

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German customs: Sharp drop in seizure figures

In 2023, German customs saw a steep decline in both the total value and the number of counterfeits seized. The annual report also shows that the countries of origin of counterfeits have hardly changed – but the transportation routes did.

Authorities pull off largest counterfeit product seizures in the USA

Law enforcement authorities in New York have scored a spectacular success against counterfeit fashion goods, seizing fake products worth over a billion US dollars. Two alleged counterfeiters have now been charged.

German customs: Sharp increase in seizure value in 2022

In 2022, German customs has once again recorded a surge in the total value of counterfeits seized. The annual report shows that certain industries are particularly affected – and that the transport routes for counterfeits might be shifting.

Police in England pull off record raid

British police officers have seized more than 580 tonnes of counterfeit and illegal goods in one single action. The spectacular success is regarded as the largest single counterfeit seizure in the United Kingdom – and the largest in Europe in almost two decades.

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Counterfeiting boss convicted of VAT tax fraud

After years of investigation, the mastermind of a well-known group that had been dealing in counterfeit clothes worth tens of millions has now been found guilty in the United Kingdom. This also means an important success in one of the UK’s biggest tax fraud cases.

Millions of illegal pharmaceuticals seized

More than 10 million illegal medicines and doping substances have been seized by authorities in the current Operation Shield III. The Europol operation has also uncovered several organized crime networks, including in Europe.

OLAF: Officials seize 15 million liters of alcoholic beverages

Led by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), authorities seize around 15 million liters of counterfeit alcoholic beverages. The notable success was part of this year’s OPSON operation by Europol, targeting counterfeit food products.

Europol: Fake pesticides increasingly produced within the EU

Officials in over 30 countries have seized more than 1,000 tonnes of illegal pesticides in a major operation. The action also highlights that illegal crop protection products are increasingly being made within the EU – and that counterfeiting of brand‑name pesticides is on the rise.

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