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For you, this opens undreamt-of perspectives. We transfer the power of marcoms to completely new subject areas. In such a stringent manner, you will hardly find this anywhere else in the agency business.

Counterfeiting and misuse of IP, brands, and trademarks are serious threats to companies of almost every industry worldwide. We help protecting companies from illicit competition – by supporting existing brand protection strategies or by launching efficient stand‑alone measures.

The catchword Anti-Piracy Communications (APC) covers all our special communications services that are designed to help increase efficiency of traditional anti-counterfeiting measures, to reduce the demand for counterfeit products, and to activate stakeholders that stand by your side.

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We support clients in preventing and curtailing any loss of their knowledge edge. And in protecting their companies from economic and industrial espionage.

Our special communications start where technical measures fail. This e.g. focuses on sensitizing and involving employees and business partners, creating lasting awareness for information security topics, and deterring potential perpetrators. With this, we can create a trustful, self-confident, and powerful security culture.

Our communications essentially contribute to making sustainability efforts of companies pay off. No matter if you engage in environmental or climate protection, compliance, or corporate responsibility/corporate social responsibility (CR/CSR) – we show what’s really behind these activities.

And we inject new momentum into marketing, PR, and sales with eco labels such as Blue Angel and EPEAT. Thanks to this, our customers can build a sustainable corporate image, drive sales of sustainable products, and much more.

Compliance topics are extremely relevant in today’s business environment and everyday work. No matter if it is about anti-corruption, code of conduct and ethical standards, data privacy, the use of discounts and kickbacks, or e.g. about regulations to ensure fair competition – communicating these topics in the right way is crucial. For raising awareness among employees and business partners. And for being prepared in case of incidents. Thanks to years of experience in the field, we support companies in defining the tailor-made communications strategy as well as leveraging effective measures.

Thanks a lot!

Our customers confirm our ultimate reliability. Based on an online survey of ca. 40 clients in May 2020.

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