Olive oil counterfeiters in Italy suffer a heavy blow

In early March, Italian authorities confiscated around 22 tons of counterfeited olive oil. The low-quality oil was illegally labeled with the quality designation “extra virgin olive oil”, as well as a protected designation of origin.

The investigations in the case began last year as the authorities became aware of a suspected fraudster. The man bought low-cost olive oil in Greece and Apulia, then resold it as high-quality extra virgin olive oil with the protected designation of origin “IGP Toscano” (Indicazione Geografica Protetta). The fraudster profited from the high price of Tuscan olive oil, which is more expensive than Greek or other Italian olive oils.

The investigators expanded their inquiries, questioned suspects, and confiscated numerous computers and documents which made it possible to determine the extent of the fraud. The officials also subjected the deceptively labeled oil to a kind of DNA analysis which made it possible to determine the true origin of the product, as prosecutor Raffaele Capasso explained. This relatively new method allows an unequivocal identification of the olives used for a particular oil.

Now 47 suspects are under investigation, including mill operators, bottlers, and traders from various Italian provinces. Only their assistance made the fraud possible, continued prosecutor Capasso: The mill operators, for example, faked the necessary documents.

Source: Olive Oil Times

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